Do we remember the genocide of Bangladesh in 1971? It happened in 1971, during the 9 months long Liberation Struggle in which the tiny nation of Bangladesh fought a bloody war with their then 'rulers', Pakistan. The killing game started in the name of "Operation Searchlight" by the Pak Army on the night of March 25, 1971, when they took the roads of Dhaka & other cities and murdered some 30,000 odd innocent Bengalis. The order of the day was: shoot at sight! And, it continued for 9 long months. Some Bengalis, who called themselves the Razakars, Al Badars & Al Shams, joined hands with the occupying Pakistan Armed Forces in the killing game.

Nothing could stop the liberation of Bangladesh, even though Pakistan had the US & P R China supporting them, including other influential Western & Middle Eastern governments. The Bengalis, though not known to be a martial race, defeated the Pakistan Army in one of bloodiest war in history. The Pak army had to surrender to the Joint Forces of Bangladesh & India, along with their local aids. But by that time, they were done with murdering approximately 3 million Bengalis, including women and children.

GENOCIDE: Between March 25 and December 16 of 1971, estimated 3 million Bengalees were killed, 200000 Women Raped and 10 million were Displaced by Pakistan Army. This was the Worst Genocide after Second World War...This was a mass killing of innocent civilian, men, women and children too part of the country was spared. Killing field can be found in every town and village...SHAME ON YOU! Killing was particularly targeted towards youth, religious minorities and democratic forces. In the final days of liberation war, local fundamentalist collaborators of Pakistan Army named Al-badar and Al-shams took leading intellectuals including writers, journalists, doctors, lawyers and engineers blindfolded, killed them and dumped them in Dhaka city outskirts.

The massacres in Dacca were only part of the story however. The Pakistan army had begun a campaign of genocide that extended to all major cities and towns in Bangladesh and then moved out into the countryside to terrorize, murder and rape Bengali villagers. With foreign reporters expelled and a complete news censorship in place, the Pakistan army declared that the situation in East Pakistan was "normal".

INTELLECTUALS KILLING: The Pakistan army, on the verge of defeat, was determined to wipe out Bengali culture in one final act of barbarism. On December 14, 1971, the Pakistan army unleased the paramilitary units al-Badr and al-Shams to exterminate Bengali intellectuals. The goal was to find and kill Bengali political thinkers, educators, scientists, poets, doctors, lawyers, journalists and other intellectuals. The al-Badr and al-Shams fanned out with lists of names to find and execute the core of the Bengali intellectuals. The intellectuals were arrested and taken to Rayerbazar, a marshy area in Dhaka city. There, they were gunned down with their eyes blindfolded and their hands tied behind their backs. Over 1000 dead intellectuals were slaughtered in Dhaka city alone on the night of December 14. Till date, we, the Bengalis of Bangladesh, do not know of a single incident where the criminals who were responsible for the genocide, looting and widespread violence in 1971 Bangladesh, have been brought to justice.

RAPE: Rape in Bangladesh'71 had hardly been restricted to beauty. Girls of eight and grandmothers of seventy-five had been sexually assaulted … Pakistani soldiers had not only violated Bengali women on the spot; they abducted tens of hundreds and held them by force in their military barracks for nightly use.

"Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not." ...Therefore, why not Pakistani Gov. should ask forgiveness towards Bangladeshi people?
We, the Children of Genocide, understand the true nature of war. There is no glory in it - only inhumanity and death. Only loved ones not with us, only images of terror as army boots kick down your door in the middle of the night, only the warmth of a mother’s arms as planes come in for another strafing run...Therefore, why not?

In 1971 the people of Bangladesh fought to survive, we fought the extermination of our society. They slaughtered millions of us yet they did not prevail. The end of the war was a forgone conclusion at the very beginning. Having launched the war, Pakistan was condemned to lose it. Yet, they killed three million before they finally accepted defeat...Therefore, why not?
Genocide of Bangladesh in 1971

এ আমাদের ব্যার্থতা যে আমরা এখনো য়ুদ্ধাপরাধীদের বিচার করতে পারিনি। বার বার যুদ্ধাপরাধী ইস্যুতে শুধু আমাদের দেশীয় রাজাকার-আল বদর-আল শামস বাহিনীর কথা বলা হয়। তারা তো আছেই একই সঙ্গে পাকিস্তানী বাহিনীও যুদ্ধাপরাধী। তাদেরও বিচার হওয়া অবশ্যই উচিত। যদি আমি শুধু কতিপয় যুদ্ধাপরাধীদের বিচার করি বা বিচারের দাবিতে আন্দোলন করি তাতে আমাদের স্বাধীনতা সম্পূর্ণতা পাবে না, পেতে পারে না। কারণ বাংলার আকাশ-বাতাস থেকে এখনও আমার বোনের সম্ভ্রম হারানোর আর্তচিৎকার মিলিয়ে যায়নি। এখনও আমার বাড়ির পুকুর পাড়ে আমারই ভাইয়ের খুলি পাওয়া যায়। আমি এই সকল যুদ্ধাপরাধীদের বিচার চাই। যুদ্ধাপরাধী ব্যাপারটি যেন ভোটে জেতার ইস্যু না হয়ে দ্বাড়ায় সে বিষয়েও তীক্ষ্ণ নজর রাখতে হবে। আর তা না হলে আগামী প্রজ্ম আমাদের কোনো দিনও ক্ষমা করবে না।...........